Because most of my projects right now consist of Christmas gifts for the upcoming holidays, I really can't put up anything right in relation to said projects (Spoilers!). Instead I'm going to try and spend the month of November catching up on my backlog of reviews. We're starting with a book.
Queen Victoria's Daughters by Jerrold M. Packard was plucked from a used bookstore maybe 2-3 years ago and I finally read it over the summer. As the title states, the core material covers Queen Victoria's five daughters; Vicky (Victoria), Alice, Helena, Louise, and Beatrice. From the formative years of their parents' relatioship, to the final days of Princess Beatrice during WWII, the book touches upon each of the Queen's daughters and the unique lives each of them lived.
As the daughters of a monarch who ruled over a quarter of the earth's population during her reign, the princesses' lives were closely watched - and ruled - by not only their parents but by their subjects as well. Each had their own personality, passions and faults, that helped define who they were as adults. Along with their lives, their statuses as British princesses had a huge impact among the ruling houses of Europe as marriages were made, alliances were formed then broken, and wars later waged.
October was a busy month! I've been putting in some overtime for work and then I was away on business for a couple days as well. While there hasn't been much going on in the realm of sewing, I still got a couple of projects done.
This one was a black skirt that I made for work to wear during October. Our dress code rules state that we have to wear black, but there wasn't anything about NOT dressing up for Halloween on Saturday (Plus they did trick or treating at the mall on Wednesday night).
I found a great Halloween fabric at the store on super sale (70% by the time I threw all my coupons together), a crisp poly taffeta with velvet spider web flocking all over it. I'll readily admit, the first time I saw it, I thought, "That would make a great skirt!"