- American Duchess - THE place for historical shoes.
- Corset Making Supplies - One stop shopping for all your corseting needs.
- Costumer's Guide to Movie Costumes - For those who want to reproduce Hollywood costumes. Multiple screenshots from movies and TV series.
- Originals by Kay - Supplies and reproduction clothing for the Victorian era, particularly the Civil War period.
- Recollections - Ready-made clothing available in different sizes and various costume accessories.
- Wes Terner's Outfitter - Costume accessories the Western Victorian costume.
Millinery Links
- Costumes by Lynn McMasters - Patterns and articles on historical costume and hats.
- Judith M Millinery Supply - Buckram, wire, and other basic millinery essentials.
- Mrs. Parker's Millinery and Mercantile - For those who want to purchase a ready-made bonnet. Mostly does custom work.
- Timely Tresses - Patterns and kits available for bonnets from the Regency, Romantic, and Victorian periods.
Sewing Links
- Ageless Patterns - These are original patterns that require scaling and adaptation for the modern wearer. A lot of patience is needed for these.
- The Great Pattern Review - Run by The Greater Bay Area Costumer's Guild, this database provides reviews of historical costume patterns.
- Historical Sewing - Articles and blog posts that are great resources. Jennifer also runs online classes.
- Laughing Moon Mercantile - Men's and women's historical costume patterns.
- Patterns of Time - This store carries every historical costume pattern that's out there including sewing supplies.
- Sense and Sensibility Patterns
- Truly Victorian Patterns - Great patterns to start with and expand upon for multiple outfit possibilities.
- Bangkok Thai Silk - Carries a large variety of silks and other specialty fabrics.
- Denver Fabrics - All types of fabrics imaginable for a decent price.
- Online Fabric Store - Carries a large variety of synthetic and synthetic blend fabrics, but also boning!
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