Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to Read a Dress Review

While I get photographs done of my first few projects for the year, I figured I would get my book review up. I have tendency to peruse Amazon excessivily for books because I don't mind a cheap, used copy of some things. How to Read a Dress by Lydia Edwards showed up in my "You may also be interested in" feed and thankfully the library had a copy available.

The book looks very promising from the cover. It has a lovely 18th Century dress with historical features pointed out. A quick flip through shows lots of pretty dress pictures from the 1500s to modern day with similar analysis. Not to drop the bad news right away, but I'm glad I only borrowed a copy. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Quick Review of 2017

Well it's only been forever. My last post was over a year ago, and a lot has/hasn't happened since then.

The first immediate bad news - I haven't sewn anything remotely historical in that time period. However, that doesn't mean I haven't done any sewing.

The good news is I still have sewn - a lot. My sewing took a bit of a retro swing (no pun intended) and I've been making oodles of dresses - 10 in fact! I've had a variety of fabrics in my stash for a while and at the beginning of the year, I made a promise to myself that I would try to work through it. In addition, I thought it would be fun to have several dresses for my destination wedding in August (more on that in a bit). Here's a quick overview of everything that was made, in no particular order of completion.
Christmas holiday dress - Retro Butterick B5748, Halloween dress - McCall's Archive Collection M7086
These were both made for work. They relax dress code during Christmas time for us and allow us to wear holiday colors, so I had to make a dress for the holiday season. I found this fun vintage-looking fabric on sale and it screamed to be made into a dress. This was my third go at the pattern (a reprint from 1960) and since I already had modified pieces for my measurements, it went together in a matter of a couple days.

My ghost dress I tried to finish in time for Halloween but failed. Part of the problem was I attempted to make it using a pattern I had not used before, so I had to do make a mock-up then adjust for my measurements. This McCall's reprint from 1963 was modified and I did away with the faux belt decoration on the front. Hopefully I'll have a chance to wear it for Halloween this year!
Bridal shower dress - Gertie's Ultimate Dress Book by Gretchen Hirsch, dress for fun - Retro Butterick B5748