Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Regency Stay Cording

Waaay back in February, I began my foray into making some Regency corded stays. Then I was distracted by other projects. Now I'm back to working on the stays.

I got all my channels sewed finally and then started on the cording. Reading from the directions and recommendations within the sewing community, I got some cooking twine to use for the cording in the channels. Well the first time I went to thread a channel, I immediately discovered it was too big.

I double checked my directions, but didn't see any options outside of the cooking twine. Hmm. Then I remembered this thick cotton thread I had once used as a kid to try and crochet a head scarf. Possibility?
I found a 4 oz. package of Sugar'n Cream worsted cotton yarn at the local fabric store that matched what I remembered using. Took everything home and it ended up being just the right size!

After that, I started putting in my grommets. From what I've found in my research, the corded stays act more as "shaper" from the standpoint that it smooths things over and holds things in place. I spaced my grommets out a little wider than normal, and got so excited while I was setting them that I forget to add a back on one. Whoops. Minor fix, but definitely need to be careful because getting it out was a huge pain.
The next thing to go in is all the boning. Two pieces next to the bust, two along the joining seams, and two at the back to support along the grommets. I actually cut my own spiral steel wire and it's so much easier than trying to order pre-cut pieces.
Last but not least, binding the edges. I had some leftover fabric so I bias cut the leftovers and sewed everything together. Working it around the shoulder straps proved to be a challenge (sorry, no picture). I managed though, so now it's just hand work to tack the binding down.
I'm only just starting on the top and I still have to do the lower edge and front. Hopefully the next time I post on this, it will be completely finished!

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