Friday, March 4, 2016

Better Late Than Never

So for the last week of February, I had a week off from work. While I had all sorts of plans for sewing projects for my days when I was sitting around the house, that sort of ended up going out the window once I sat down in my sewing area. I had more chore projects stacking up and small projects that I had put together.

I opted for the project pile since it would help to clear up some space for me. To start, a couple throw pillows that went with the curtains in the bedroom. Not my idea of anything exciting, but they were done in a couple hours. In addition, my friend Sarah had a baby recently so I was putting together some fun stuff for her.

In the process of cleaning through the project pile though, I did finish this small wedding sampler (also for Sarah) that was originally promised to her shortly after her wedding. As you can see from the picture, it's been a while.

With one cross stitch project being finished, that means I can have another in progress! Because these can sometimes be very time consuming, I try not to have more than two going at a single time. My next one is Charlotte from Mirabilia patterns.

I've had the supplies for this lovely lady sitting around so all I had to do was pull everything out. What I love in particular about this design, aside from the colors, is the art nouveau styling. The bright green matches the paint in my sewing area so I may feel inclined to frame and hang her nearby when finished. Until that time, this is where I'm at.
My secondary piece is Sleeping Beauty, also from Mirabilia. This one has been in the works FOREVER. I don't even remember when I started this, I just know that I do through phases where I spend a long time working on it, and then there's also extended periods where I do nothing with it.
While it looks like there's a lot to be done, I'm actually very close to finishing it. Maybe I can force myself into another extended cross stitch period and finish it sometime this year.


  1. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has two cross-stitch projects going at any given time, not to mention a pile of sewing projects!

  2. For cross stitch I'm very well disciplined at the number I have in progress. For sewing projects though, I have no control. I think there's at least 9 going right now.
