Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gettysburg Battle at Hale Farm, Pt. 1

It's been very busy since Saturday so I'm just now getting to this post.

As I briefly mentioned last week, the local historical farm was doing a reenactment of the famous Gettysburg battle over the weekend. With only three days notice, I pulled out my calico bluebud dress and headed out to join in. Along with the dress, I pulled out my good camera and took it along to take some photos.

At the event, I got to sign a petition for the abolition of slavery (despite the fact I had no voting rights as a woman), watched the drum and fife regiment...

Got to wander through the Union and Confederate army camps...

Saw Abraham Lincoln deliver the Emancipation Proclamation...

And saw a bunch of other lovely dresses throughout the day.

The culminating event for the day was of course the battle. I've actually never been to a Civil War battle reenactment before, so it was a bit exciting for me. It's not something you forget soon after either. While I did take a number of photos, this one was my favorite in particular because it caught things "in the heat of the moment" during the Union Army retreat.

These were a few other favorites. 

Eventually I would like to take some of these photos and do some work in Photoshop to give them the overall look of a carte-de-visit or a daguerreotype. Similar to what I did with these photos.

Bluebud dress photo before...
...and after Photoshop play
I had a lot other costume happenings outside of the event itself, including finds and (ulp) wardrobe malfunctions, but these will be posted separately at a later time.

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