Official Award Rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
- Put the Award logo on your blog.
- Answer the ten questions sent to you.
- Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
- Nominate ten blogs.
1) A big thank you again to Gabriela at Pour La Victoire! It's this type of recognition that encourages me to keep up with blogging and posting even when the projects can get discouraging at times.
3) Gabriela's questions:
What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of your sewing space?
My favorite part is the fact that I actually have a sewing space. When I first started sewing, I first lived in a dorm, then with family, then in an apartment. In each place, I never had a permanent sewing spot so it made it very hard to work on projects for extended periods of time. Now I live in a house and I have a wall space with a table and shelves where I can put everything and work. It's nice just having that "my space" area to sew and create at leisure without the worries of having to pack everything up at the end of the day (or night for late night crafting).
Probably my least favorite is the fact that while it's organized, it's very disorganized at the same time. I have horrible OCD and the fact that my notions drawer bin sits on the other side of my cross stitch bins in the middle of the floor drives me insane. One day I would love to a whole space to myself for sewing and it shall be wonderfully organized. In the meantime, 1/3 of the office works fine.
What is your favorite color? Do you tend to sew more things in that color?
My favorite color is purple and while most of my everyday items are in purple - key fob, water bottle, computer and phone covers, measuring tape - I still have yet to make an outfit in that color. I actually make a lot of my stuff in blue because it's a color that works well for me. Since it's a popular color too, it makes it easy to find sewing materials. However I do have some lengths of purple material that will be made into dresses at some point!
What is the largest/most difficult sewing project you have ever tackled?
To date, it would have to be the bridal and bridesmaid dresses I made in 2014 for my friend's wedding. Not only did I take on sewing her a custom dress, I also had to make my own dress because I was in the wedding party. While I did use base patterns, everything was adjusted/redrafted to fit the Alice in Wonderland theme and Jenna's design requests. From project inception, I had only 6 months to do everything and I was sewing all the way until the night before we flew out to New Orleans, LA.
What is your favorite sewing tool, the one you couldn't live without?
My sewing bag. It was a cheap craft/purse organizer I picked up, but it's great for keeping all of my sewing essentials together in one place. Because it has handles too, I can just pick it up and go.
What is one crafting technique (beading, embroidery, scrapbooking, etc.) you'd like to try in the coming year?
Hm, good question. I've dabbled in lots of things over the years, so I have a good idea of what I do/don't like. In the realm of costuming though, I have never done anything with shoes and I think it is something I would like to try at some point.
Fill in the blank and explain your choice: Sewing is like __________
Sewing is my anti-drug. This is sort of an inside joke between my mom and I. She sponsors a lot of my sewing via giftcards and shopping sprees when we get together and I asked her one time why she was all right with doing this (We've done some BIG shopping sprees). Her response was that she would rather spend money of stuff that she knows will be put to good use, instead of worrying about me spending money on drugs.
What, in your opinion, is the most challenging aspect of sewing?
Not hurrying through things. I get excited about projects sometimes and have a tendency to rush. I'm starting to realize that slowing down does make things turn out better, but handsewing it still a challenge for me because it's so time consuming.
If you could live in any historical building, anywhere in the world, for a week free of charge, where would you live?
I would take the Frick house in Pittsburg, PA. It's a turn of the century mansion that still has 90% of it's original furniture and it is gorgeous inside! I had the opportunity to tour it a few years ago and had a few visions of myself lounging on a chaise in the bedroom.
How did you come up with the title of your blog?
I love the Victorian Era. I first read about it when I was 7 or 8 and found the history behind it intriguing. And the dresses. Oh the dresses! While I could not wear them everyday, I do love making reproductions for events and I love adding aspects of it to my modern day wardrobe and lifestyle. So "Victorian" was an easy aspect to come up for my title. "Modish" came from playing around with words in my head. I looked the word up and it meant "conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable." I do that, just according to the Victorian standard. And The Modish Victorian was born.
What is your favorite day of the week and why?
I work retail management so I don't really have a set schedule when it comes to my days off. So my favorite day is when I'm off and I don't have a long list of adult things to do, leaving it open for sewing.
4) My Questions:
How did you get into sewing?
Is there a particular time period/type of item you like to make?
What inspires you while you're working?
Any go to sewing hacks that you like to use?
Name an accomplishment that you're particularly proud of.
If you could meet with a historical person, who would it be?
What is your favorite period drama?
You've been given $100, what do you buy?
If you could spend the day going through a museum collection, which museum would it be?
Most importantly: tea or coffee?
5) My nominations:
Kura - Making Makes My Life
Magrat - Flintlock and Laces
Koshka - The Fashionable Past
Kat - Madame Modiste
Vienna La Rouge - The Austrian Woman
Maggie - Maggie's Costume Wardrobe
Gina - Beauty from Ashes
Crystal - Adventures in Bias Tape
Lauren - American Duchess
Angela - Angela Clayton's Costumery and Creations
I loved reading your answers! What a pleasant way to end a day filled with classes, work, and homework :)